The Fool’s Mile at the
Foolproof Brewing Company in Pawtucket was born on a Sunday morning while sitting outside having brunch at the brewery in July. I had picked up the flags from the previous days
Run with the Beaver Trail Race and then headed over to the brewery for some Raincloud Porter Donuts, some
Borealis Coffee served on Nitro Tap and of course have a few beers. One thing led to another and we got talking about beer events and I mentioned we should do a beer mile, I gave a look around and said…I would think the perimeter of this lot is pretty damn close to a ¼ mile.
Fast forward a few days and a plan was made to make it happen! We kept it pretty low key, with only social media advertising and word of mouth…we were a little unsure as to what to expect as none of us had actually done a beer mile! Anyway, I won’t bore you with the details…but we pretty much just winged it and on race day everything came together well from an organizational point of view. And the fact that the
Peanut Butter Raincloud Porter came out that week as well, made it even better!
Start of Heat 2 |
I couldn’t have been happier with how smooth the event went…my race on the other hand, could have went better. I ran 8 miles that morning and got to Foolproof around noon to set things up. I had a Raincloud Porter pre-race because, well, it was offered to me and I was having a good time and didn’t really care how I did in the race. The first heat went well with no one throwing up, the second heat people were a bit more aggressive and three people threw up. I didn’t know what to expect for myself, I just wanted to get the beers down and see what happened. The third heat was made up of myself, Big Steve and Lesley Bunnell. We set off and Steve downed his beer quick, as expected. I wasn’t too far behind and caught him quickly and made my way around the Foolproof lot, probably a little too quickly. The 2nd beer was tougher, but went by pretty quick. I made another loop and started on the third beer, this one was TOUGH. When I finally finished, I started off much slower and I could feel it. I made it around the building and started to dry heave…or something like that. Eventually some of the pesky foam came out and I now knew I had a penalty lap on my hands. I finished the lap off and told people I threw up and started on my 4th beer. This one was the worse…I had everyone watching and I now had a stomach that didn’t like me. I tried hard to get it all down…but my body again rejected what I was throwing at it. Finally I finished the beer (in hind sight I should have just drank the heck out of it, because it was coming up no matter what!) I set off to run my 4th lap pretty quick and ran through the start finish area pretty damn fast, this caught up to me a bit on the back stretch on wat was now my 5th lap…but it is only a ¼ mile…so I held on to finish in a stellar 9:57! haha I went by the finish line in 8:32 when I was heading into the 5th lap, that would have been a decent time…but alas…it was not to be. There seems to be a fine line between running and drinking too hard and keeping everything down in a beer mile…and I did not pass the test. The other two competitors in my heat finished pretty damn well, with Steve stealing the show coming through the finish with a 5th beer. Haha
Start of Heat 3 |
World of hurt... |
The winners of heat #1 and heat #2 received a Foolproof T-Shirt and the fastest male and female of the day got some beer and some more FP merchandise. After the races, we headed to the Taproom to consume some PB Raincloud, among other beers and to overall enjoy the day with our fellow racers. After that we packed everything up, flipped some tires and headed out to grab some grub… running, beer, friends, beer, food and beer…sounds like a good day to me! Maybe there will be a Second Annual Fool’s Mile?
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